Paulo Guerra
Judge on CEJ service commission, as Deputy Director of the institution (since 11/11/2014). Author of several articles and legal works about Family and Children's Rights (among them, "The New Right of Children and Young People - a new beginning", edited by CEJ in 2001 and distributed by Coimbra Editora, with the co-author Leonor Furtado; the book "Sexual Abuse of Minors - A Conversation on Justice between Law and Psychology", Almedina, 2002, with the co-author Isabel Alberto and Rui do Carmo - in 2nd edition. Also the book «The Child and the Family - a question of rights" - Practical overview of the main institutes of Family and Children's Rights - published by Coimbra Editora, co-authored by Helena Bolieiro, 2nd edition, and the work "Child Protection Law and Youth in Danger Annotated ", published by Almedina, a path of the 3rd edition).